CF-Bench is (mainly) CPU and memory benchmark tool specifically designed to be able to handle multi-core devices, produce a fairly stable score, and test both native as well managed code performance.
It tests specific device properties you do not regularly see tested by other benchmarks, and runs in a set timeframe.
It does produce some "final" scores, but as with every benchmark, you should take those with a grain of salt. It is simply not theoretically possible to produce a single number that accurately describes a device's performance.
More information and discussion is available at this application's thread at XDA-Developers: can view results from many devices at: that that page is still under development.CF-工作台(主要)是CPU和内存基准测试工具,专门设计为能够处理多核心设备,产生一个相当稳定的得分,以及管理测试原生代码的性能。